a lot has happened since june. some amazing gigs. such as the one i last posted about, 'i used to skate once'. the zoo was packed full of skaters and boards that had been decorated by artists all over the world. accompanied by some amazing local acts such as stemford hiss and kirin. j. callinan. secret birds performed, which consist of roughly four drummers, four guitarists, three singers, with a bit of tamborine, synth and xylophone dropped in here and there.
here are a few photos from the night, taken megan cullen.

in other news, some important events occurred, such as my eighteenth.
"fucking finally", as stated by kelsey at her text message at exactly one second past midnight to wish me a happy one.
for the night we journeyed over to fairweather warehouse to see a mass of prep teenagers in mini skirts and high heels. note: it's a warehouse in the middle of newstead.
last dinosaurs, the cairos and newcomers - the parties of interzone performed, and what was sure to be a good night ended in brawls, people being thrown into braziers, people being carried out by paramedis, and last but not least, it being called off early due to the cops, therefore not allowing comic sans to perform. all in all, a fun night, to what didn't seem like a birthday considering i've had a fake id for two years now. way to ruin it.

heads up for some more gigs coming soon.
this tuesday night at rics bar, the parties of interzone supporting the goldentones.
come before 9pm and get $4 BEER LAO! (the only reason i go early)

then for the weekend, my good friend samwise is celebrating his birthday by playing a gig.
be sure to make it to the troubadour on friday night for last dinosaurs, the parties of interzone and teleprompter. for more info head to the facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=96702102700
then for a sweet afterparty, yuksek is playing at the empire hotel. supporting acts include dz, and charlie why!: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=116402237952
yours truly,